How To Humanize AI Text

Do you know that according to a survey by Proofed, 62% of the respondents said they would not trust AI-generated text or content

 min. read
May 21, 2024
How To Humanize AI Text

Do you know that according to a survey by Proofed, 62% of the respondents said they would not trust AI-generated text or content for academic purposes, and 54% said they would not trust it for professional purposes.

The reason folks might not trust AI-generated text is because sometimes AI creates content that’s really generic and not so great. Imagine reading something that doesn’t feel personalized or well-written – that’s what happens with some AI-generated stuff. It’s like getting a bland sandwich when you were hoping for something tasty and unique.

But, don’t worry! This article is here to save the day. We’ll explore a step-by-step guide about how to humanize AI text and bypass AI detectors like GPTZero, Originality AI, and Turnitin AI. So, stick with us to the end.

Why You Should Humanize AI Text?

Humanizing AI text is crucial for a bunch of good reasons. First off, it makes the stuff AI writes sound more like something a person would say, making it way easier to understand and connect with. When AI talks like us, it builds trust and keeps people interested. As a student, it's important that you make the text you write sound like it comes from you, not an AI.

How To Humanize AI Text?

Let’s dive a little bit deeper to reveal all the possible methods to humanize AI text and make it shine in the world of content creation.

1. Using

Unlocking the potential to humanize AI text has never been easier than with Wondering why it’s the go-to choice for adding that human touch to AI-generated content? Well, is the secret weapon for bypassing AI detectors seamlessly.

Duey is a super-smart assistant that crafts human-like, grammatically sound, plagiarism-free content that won’t raise any alarms. So, what exactly is It’s your ticket to creating undetectable content that not only sounds human but also ensures your hard work won’t get wrongly flagged by those watchful AI detectors.

It’s a game-changer for students aiming to dodge false positives. With you get all the benefits – human quality, zero plagiarism fears, and the power to stay undetected. Plus, you can use it for free.

So, if you’re ready to humanize your AI content without the worry of detection, is your trusted companion.

How To Use

  1. Sign Up for Free: Start by visiting and/or sign up for a free account. It’s completely free to try.
  2. Input Your Text:  Copy and paste the content you want to humanize into the provided text box.
  3. Get Undetectable Content: Hit the Protect button and watch as transforms your text into human-like, grammatically correct, and plagiarism-free content. In no time, you’ll have undetectable content ready to use without worrying about AI detectors flagging it.

2. Manual Tips To Humanize AI Text

Add Some Personality:

Imagine you’re talking to a friend. Inject a bit of that friendly vibe into your writing. Use words like “you,” “we,” and “I” to make it sound like a conversation. Avoid being too formal – make it feel like a chat over coffee rather than just a robotic text.

Keep It Simple And Clear:

When AI gets too complicated, it can sound like a robot talking. Break down complex ideas into simple sentences. Think about explaining things to someone who doesn’t know much about the topic – it helps keep your text easy to understand and relatable.

Use Contractions:

Don’t shy away from contractions like “don’t,” “can’t,” or “won’t.” They’re a natural part of how people talk. Using contractions makes your text feel more casual and less like it’s been written by a machine.

Tell A Story:

People love stories, so try framing your information in a narrative. Share examples or personal experiences that relate to your topic. It adds a human touch and keeps your audience engaged. Think about how you’d tell a story to a friend.

Ask Questions And Engage:

Encourage interaction by asking questions. It makes your text feel more like a two-way conversation. Invite readers to share their thoughts or experiences. This not only humanizes your content but also makes it more interesting for your audience.

3. Mastering Prompt Engineering

Mastering prompt engineering is being a wizard with words when it comes to humanizing AI content, especially if you’re getting your content from bots like ChatGPT. In fact, it’s very important if you’re using generative for your schoolwork.

Prompt engineering is a fancy term for giving clear and specific instructions to the AI. Instead of asking for general information, you guide the AI with detailed prompts to get the kind of response you want. It’s like being the director of a play, telling the actors (or in this case, the AI) exactly how you want them to perform.

So, when working with bots like ChatGPT, you can use prompt engineering to tweak your requests, making them more like natural, human conversations. Ask the AI to provide responses in a friendly tone, use specific words, or even imagine a scenario – it helps mold the AI’s output into something that sounds less robotic and more like something a person would say.


In a world where AI-generated content often lacks that personal touch, this article has been your guide to bringing humanity to the digital realm. Sometimes, AI just creates content that’s too generic, like a bland sandwich when you’re craving something unique.

But, fear not! This article swooped in to save the day, introducing the importance of humanizing AI text and providing a step-by-step guide on how to do just that. We explored the magic of, your secret weapon against AI detectors. It’s like having a super-smart assistant crafting human-like content that won’t set off any alarms. Plus, it’s free – no strings attached!

For those who prefer a hands-on approach, we dished out manual tips to add that personal flair to AI-generated content. From injecting personality and simplicity to using contractions, telling stories, and sparking engagement, we made humanizing AI text as easy as chatting over coffee with a friend.

And let’s not forget prompt engineering – the wizardry of guiding AI like a director directs actors. With detailed prompts, you can make AI-generated content sound more like natural human conversations, especially when dealing with bots like ChatGPT.


1. What Is, And How Does It Humanize AI-Generated Text? s a tool that helps make AI-generated content sound more human. It’s your go-to choice for adding a personal touch, crafting grammatically correct, plagiarism-free content that won’t raise any alarms with AI detectors.

2. How Do I Use To Humanize My Text?

Using is a breeze. Start by signing up for a free account on its website, input your text, and hit the “Protect” button. Watch as your content transforms into human-like, engaging text that’s ready to use without worrying about AI detectors.

3. Why Should I Consider Prompt Engineering When Working With Bots Like ChatGPT?

Prompt engineering is like being a director for AI content. It involves giving clear and specific instructions to get the response you want. When dealing with bots like ChatGPT, prompt engineering helps tweak your requests for more natural, human-like conversations.

4. How Can I Manually Humanize AI Text Without Using Tools?

You can manually humanize AI text by adding personality, keeping it simple and clear, using contractions, telling stories, and encouraging engagement. These simple tips make your AI-generated content sound more like a friendly chat than a robotic announcement.

The Bottom Line

Humanizing AI text isn’t just a techy dream; it’s a practical, doable reality. Whether you opt for, follow our manual tips, or master prompt engineering, you’re on your way to content that’s relatable, engaging, and downright human. In a world buzzing with technology, a little touch of humanity in AI text goes a long way. Cheers to making the digital world a friendlier, more human place!