Netus.AI Undetectable AI Review

Does Netus.AI Live Up To Its Reputation As The Best AI Bypasser? We Find Out!

 min. read
July 23, 2024
Netus.AI Undetectable AI Review

Are you looking for a tool that claims to humanize your text so well that it will pass all AI detectors? If you are, we are on the same side of this road that leads us to better and more efficient writing. With that idea in mind, we came across and decided to put it to the test.

Is this tool as amazing as the creators claim it to be, and how does it compare to other humanizing tools we know perform great like Duey.AI? We’ll take a deeper dive into the platform, look into core features, and see how it shows up head-to-head with reliable humanizing tools.

Netus.AI Editor

We evaluated Netus.AI’s ability to humanize text to see if it bypasses AI detectors and compared it to Duey.Ai’s results. The process simply consisted of running the text humanized by through AI detectors like Copyleaks,, and GPTZero. Here are the results:

Netus.AI Failed to bypass Copyleaks but Performed Relatively Better On Other Detection Tools

What Is Netus.AI?

Netus.AI is advertised as an AI content detector and humanizing tool. The creators claim their algorithms are so perfected that they can guess with 99% certainty if the text is AI-generated. While that is an impressive claim we are more interested in its text-humanizing features.

Netus.AI has an impressive 38 versions of AI bypasser options, and the idea is to create different content that fools even the most sophisticated detectors. Key Features and Capabilities

  • User-friendly interface: This humanizing and AI detection tool is quite easy to navigate. There are a few learning curves when you need to choose the version for bypassing, but overall it’s beginner-friendly.
  • Summarizing: The tool comes in handy even if you are not looking for humanization. The platform offers a summarizing tool that can help you process a lot of information in digestible small pieces.
  • AI bypasser: One of the key features this tool has is the ability to transform any AI-generated text into human-written content. But we’ll see if that’s the case later on.
  • Paraphrasing: You can use the tool to fine-tune your writing style and rewrite entire texts to make them more polished. It’s a great feature if you are stuck in a creative rut or simply need that additional push to get to the deadline for your projects.

Pros and Cons of

Many competitors on the market claim to generate undetectable AI texts. That’s why we need an objective and clear view of Netus.AI's pros and cons.


  • High bypass efficiency: Netus.AI is designed to generate text that evades detection by advanced AI detectors, making it a strong choice for applications where detection avoidance is critical.
  • Quick setup: Users can start generating undetectable AI content quickly with the straightforward setup process.
  • Wide range of applications: Suitable for various use cases including content creation, marketing, and academic writing, offering flexibility for different needs.


  • Pricing structure: Depending on the usage needs, the cost of using may be higher compared to some competitors, potentially making it less accessible for smaller businesses or individual users with limited budgets.
  • Advanced settings: While the basic interface is user-friendly, leveraging advanced customization features may require some learning and experimentation, which could be time-consuming for new users.
  • Specificity challenges: Generating highly specialized or technical content might require additional tweaking and may not always meet the nuanced requirements of niche industries perfectly.

Does Work? The Comparison and Results

Now that we are familiar with the general idea behind it’s time to see if it bypasses AI detectors. The testing phase will be more interesting if we add competition such as Duey.AI and see the results of various detection tools.

Let’s divide this phase into three steps:

  • Step 1: We’ll write a simple prompt for ChatGPT and let it generate something interesting;
  • Step 2: Then we’ll take the generated text and humanize it on (one version) and Duey.AI;
  • Step 3: Next, we'll scan the humanized texts through AI detectors and show the results.

Here is the same prompt we’ll use for ChatGPT to get the most accurate results:

“Create a concise and engaging article on the benefits of regular physical exercise for overall health and well-being. Discuss the various advantages of maintaining an active lifestyle, such as improving cardiovascular health, enhancing mental health, and supporting weight management. Include tips on choosing the right types of exercise, considering factors like individual fitness levels, personal interests, and variety to avoid monotony. Additionally, touch on the risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle, such as increased susceptibility to chronic diseases and mental health issues, and explain how regular physical activity can help mitigate these risks. Conclude with practical advice for incorporating exercise into daily routines and suggestions for staying motivated and consistent with fitness goals. Limit the article to 300 words.”

A Look At The Input Prompt and The Generated Content To Be Humanized

AI-Generated Content on ChatGPT 4o Based on Given Prompt

Considering many AI detection tools available, we chose the most popular and reliable ones. Our testing tools will include Copyleaks, Originality, and GPTZero.

Each AI detection system works with a different algorithm so it will be interesting to see how and Duey.AI perform. By using three different detectors we can help people like you, marketers, students, and copywriters decide on the best tool for them.

The Results

Copyleaks Results for Netus.AI

Content Generated by Netus.AI Doesn’t Bypass Copyleaks

Copyleaks Results for Duey.AI

Content Generated by Duey.AI Bypasses Copyleaks

Copyscape Bypass Score for and Duey.AI 

Only Duey.AI Successfully Bypassed Copyleaks AI Detector

This visual representation highlights Duey.AI's effectiveness in generating content that passes as human-written, while Netus.AI fails to bypass the AI detection by Copyleaks.

Originality Results for Netus.AI

Netus.AI Fails to Bypass Originality.AI With 69% AI Detection

Originality Results for Duey.AI

Duey.AI Bypasses Originality.AI With 19% AI Detection

Originality Bypass Score of Netus.AI and Duey.AI

Duey.AI Outperformed Netus.AI by Achieving a Lower AI Detection Score on Originality.AI

When it comes to originality, Duey.AI clearly has the upper hand over Netus.AI. According to the results, 81% of Duey.AI's content is classified as human, with only 19% flagged as AI-generated. On the other hand, Netus.AI's content is 69% AI-generated and only 31% human. This means that Duey.AI does a much better job of creating authentic, human-like text that can pass as original, making it the go-to choice for anyone looking to produce content that feels genuinely human.

GPTZero Results for Netus.AI

GPTZero Recognizes 47% Content As AI-Generated by Netus.AI

GPTZero Results for Duey.AI

GPTZero Recognizes 98% of Content as Human Written by Duey.AI

GPTZero Bypass Score of and Duey.AI

Duey.AI Bypassed GPTZero with a Lower AI Detection Score Compared to Netus.AI

When it comes to GPTZero results, Duey.AI significantly outperforms Netus.AI. Duey.AI's content is classified as 98% human and only 2% AI-generated, showcasing its ability to produce highly authentic human-like text. 

Netus.AI's content is classified as 53% human and 47% AI-generated, indicating a nearly even split. So, by now we have a clear winner when it comes to human-written content and that’s Duey.AI. 

Does Netus.AI Bypass AI Detection?

With so many bypass versions we hoped that Netus.AI would perform better. Overall it’s not a promising solution for people who really need that human touch in their AI-generated texts. Here are the final results:


Copyleaks might be the easiest one to bypass on our list, even though they use sophisticated AI detection methods. Simply put Netus.AI failed to bypass Copyleaks detection and the entire text was marked as AI-generated.


Originality tools usually provide more details so we could see that humanized text by Netus.AI was 69% AI-generated. This detection tool is renowned for strict protocols and amazing detection technology, so it’s not surprising that failed to fool the system.

Fortunately, we can see that some tools such as Duey.AI perform quite well even in the most demanding conditions. The humanized text by this tool was scored as 81% human, which is impressive.


GPTZero is a specialized tool that will detect even the slightest AI meddling in your text. As we can see GPTZero classified humanized text by Netus.AI as 50/50. It’s not human and it’s not AI, so generally not good news.

Final Verdict

While Netus.AI claims to do many things for writers, including rephrasing, humanizing, and summarizing the actual results are not praise-worthy. We went through detailed testing with some basic AI-generated text and Netus.AI never showed its potential to bypass AI detection.

This performance of the bypass model is far from perfect so it’s a good idea to test out other versions or rely on more reputable humanizing tools.